Re: Need source routing prog

Tim Scanlon (
Wed, 8 Feb 95 19:35:50 -0500 (David Miller) wrote:
|David Miller wrote:

|| I'm looking to test attacks based on source routing, and it would really
|| help to have an IP program that source routes:)
|| Any suggestions for DOS/windows IP?
|| Thanks in advance,
|| David Miller
|| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
| 		It's *amazing* what one can accomplish when
| 		    one doesn't know what one can't do!

|Yeah :)
|Freely available guns are essential for bullet-proof jacket testing.

This is a full disclosure list.

In all likelyhood you are going to have to use Unix in order to
do what you want. However, many Unix telnet programs have source
routing as a feature. The syntax is @host@host@host where A is where
you start, B is the second hop, and C is the destination. I havn't
seen any telnet's that come stock that will do this that document
it, but the ones that I have seen that will do it don't.

If anyone knows any for "DOS" I'd suggest passing them on, I know
it's not my place to judge this guys motives. I would hope others
could say the same.

Tim Scanlon